There are no specific instructions to make something people love. At XmartLabs, we offer you an approach to developing a deep relationship between your product and your users through our UXD methodology and services. We’ll help you reduce the frustration users experience when a product does not fulfill their expectations.You’ll also save time and effort, as together we will determine what to build before handing off the project to our development team. Here’s how we do it:
Knowing You
Meet with you in person preferably, digitally if not. We are based in Montevideo and the San Francisco Bay Area.
Knowing Your Product
What’s your value prop? How are you solving your user’s problem?
Knowing your Audience
Who are your users and what do they want?
Feature List and Priorization
What’s your MVP (Minimum Value Proposition)?
How do other existing products solve what you’re trying to achieve?
How can we do it better?
Information Architecture
How will the user navigate through your application?
User Flows
What can the user do within your app and how does she do it?
We think better on paper.
Wireframes ( Up to 3 iterations)
Flow, position and functionality of every UI element on your app.
Style - Art Direction
Your Interface is your Brand. Creating an interface that is consistently good, is critical to create the voice of your product.
All design elements can either blur or define the message you're trying to communicate. We take special care of the usage and flow of these elements, guiding your user carefully in order to complete their objectives successfully without distraction or frustration.
Space Design
White Space is as important as filled space. We make content clear, avoiding overwhelming information and prioritizing clarity and understanding.
Icons and Glyphs
Describing content with icons is more brief than with words, but as complex as depicting images. We craftly illustrate your icons guided by the line of art of your application making it feel artisanal, and testing their full recognition.
Palette - Color Psychology
For all different cultures and contexts, color is a main communicator of feelings and habits. Choosing the right colors for your alerts, messages and whole app is a wonderful job we love to undertake. (Color-blind tests!)
Images & Assets
Most devices nowadays use different layouts and resolutions for each screen. Phones, Phablets, Tablets, Kindles, Wearables-Watches, Web-Responsiveness...For any device you’re planning to design for, we’re experts on pixel-perfect assets.
Native Look and Feel
Each OS has specific User Interface Kits & Guides. Working for many different devices implies the knowledge of these guides and maintaining their consistency.
High Fidelity Mockups (Illustrator)
Handoff to Development Team
Constant communication and close collaboration between design and development.
Heuristic Evaluations
Our design team will evaluate your application to help identify and solve usability problems.
Usability Tests
Our design team will conduct tests with 3-5 users that fit your predefined personas, present you with a report of the recorded sessions and user interviews; and develop wireframes suggesting design solutions to the identified UX problems.
Think about your product as your user’s good friend: It should help her solve problems consistently and reliably, in a simple and delightful way. Let us help you create that experience for your users.